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Kind of weird to see a blog without a title, isn't it?  
That's the point.  In today's world, we are so quick to put a label on everything - including ourselves.  These labels box us in, giving us limitations and false ideas about who we are and who we "should" be.  So instead of furthering that idea, I'm leaving this blog without a label.  It will be a mixed bag of everything and anything in this 20-something year-old's journey to figure out, well, life.


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The Rollercoaster of Life: Do You Ride the Waves, or Walk Straight Through?


Updated: Feb 8, 2019

Someone at my office made a comment the other day that really made me reflect. When regrouping after a fairly heated large group meeting of 30+ people that he and I led, he said,

"I view this project - and work here in general - like a rollercoaster. There will be highs where everything goes right and people love what we're doing, and there will be lows where we are struggling, everything's going wrong, and people are firing question after question at us that we can not answer. It's like a rollercoaster, and I choose to go straight through - not get too excited at the highs, not too bothered at the lows. Just keep it all level."

I sat there, kind of nodding in agreement, but in the back of my mind I couldn't help but think....I don't agree with that. I want to ride the entire rollercoaster - I want to feel the highs AND the lows, even when that means dealing with the negative feelings of disappointment or sadness.

You see, there was a point in my life where I didn't want to feel anything. The feelings were just too overwhelming, too much to take on and too much to understand. I wanted that all gone. So I found a way to numb the pain by starving myself - by depriving my body so much of essential nutrition so that my brain didn't function enough to feel properly.

It worked, to a point. I felt numb to most of my emotions and to most of what was going on around me; it was if I was living through life surrounded by a cloud. Instead of feeling all of my emotions, I could only feel one: overwhelming sadness and depression. That was it. Numb out the loneliness, numb out the disappointment, numb out guilt, numb out joy. The focus became "just getting through", and each day I would find myself saying "just make it to the weekend" or "just make it to the end of the semester/end of the year/end of college". I made it through, but I missed out on so much going on around me. So afraid to confront real emotions head on, my life really did turn into a straight line of existence.

When I regained my health and started to feel again, I can't say it was all comfortable or sunshine and rainbows. Things hurt. Feelings hurt. It could be quite painful and mentally exhausting. But with every low and every sadness I felt, I could appreciate a good day that much more. I could feel joy again; I could experience that involuntary smile, that uncontrollable laughter that I thought was gone forever.

Do you ever notice that, after a rainy, snowy, or extremely cold day, the sun seems to shine just a bit brighter the next day? How, in the spring, as we are coming out of the brutal winter season, a 45 degree day is met with welcome arms and shorts - while in the Fall, we bundle up and complain about how cold it is becoming? Those lows - those days that we drudge through, sometimes wondering if we'll make it - that is what gives us perspective. Nothing is innately "good" or "bad" if we have nothing to compare it to. The lowest parts of our life are what make us truly recognize and appreciate the good.

So now? Give me the sad times, give me the lows, if that's what it takes to feel those highs.

I know that the rollercoaster will keep moving, and as much as those drops can nearly destroy you, the highs can drive you over the moon - and that elation is what makes life worth living.

Coney Island (Brooklyn, New York) with my sister! Ok, I'll confess....we didn't ride the largest rollercoaster there - but we did go around on the Ferris wheel a few times!


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About Me

Hello, and welcome to Life Unlabeled!

I'm Emily, a twenty-something year-old just trying to figure out this little thing we call "Life".  I live in the awesome city of Boston, working full-time as a data analyst and attending graduate school at night to pursue a Master's in Applied Math (I'm a little bit of a math nerd!).

My interests range far and wide from everything athletic - like long distance running, dance, team sports, and nutrition - to the more creative side of things (piano, art, MUSIC, and writing).  Usually, if given a little music and some space, you'll find me singing and dancing around my little apartment with joy (and very little shame) be warned.  I also have discovered a passion for travelling over the last few years and try to never turn down an opportunity for adventure as long as I can feasibly work it into my finances and work schedule.

This blog will be a mixed bag of topics (as the title alludes to), encompassing many of my different interests, experiences, and travels.  I'll also incorporate topics around mental health and specifically, eating disorders & recovery, as this is something that has affected my own life greatly and something I believe we need to talk about more often.

So sit back, relax, and come along for this crazy ride with me!  It's sure going to be an adventure, to say the very least! (And if you want to be sure you don't miss a post, subscribe below!)

Had a little bonding moment with a cashi

~ Emily

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