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Kind of weird to see a blog without a title, isn't it?  
That's the point.  In today's world, we are so quick to put a label on everything - including ourselves.  These labels box us in, giving us limitations and false ideas about who we are and who we "should" be.  So instead of furthering that idea, I'm leaving this blog without a label.  It will be a mixed bag of everything and anything in this 20-something year-old's journey to figure out, well, life.


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Welcome! And...Confession: I have no idea what I'm doing.


Updated: Feb 8, 2019

So this blogging thing. It's a LOT more complicated than I thought!

I have absolutely NO idea what I'm doing here. You know the saying "reaching in the dark"? [<-- is that even a phrase, or did I make that up?]. Yeah, well how about we rewrite that as "blindly jumping out of a plane" - I feel like that's a more accurate depiction.

I have no idea what I'm doing here. With this blog, or with life. When I was a little girl, I always imagined that by my mid-20s, I'd have this life thing down-pat. College degree in hand, amazing job that would be my permanent career, own my own place, know where I wanted my future to go, heck probably married or soon-to-be and ready to start a family soon.

Well, JOKE'S ON ME. Pretty sure none of those items are checked off, with the exception of a degree. And to be honest...I'm okay with that.

I'm ok with not being where the 6 year-old Emily imagined she would be right now. I'm ok with not being in a relationship when half my friends are getting engaged and/or having children. I'm ok that I'm still renting the same apartment I've rented for the last five years. I'm ok with the fact that I waited three years after graduating undergrad to go back to get my Masters'. A little uneasy not knowing where my future is headed? Sure. But all those "delays", all those points where I am seemingly "off-track" or went in an unexpected direction, are where they are for good reason. The 3-year gap between undergrad and grad school? I was regaining my health that had been in critical condition for the prior 12+ years. The lack of being tied down to an apartment or a family? That has allowed me to travel to countless countries and states - a passion that younger me didn't even realize I had.

So while I don't know what I'm doing here with this blog, or with my life in general, I've slowly learned to become okay with the uncertainty that the future holds. I have no idea what I'm really doing here - I'm not ashamed to admit it! But I'll cut you in on a little secret I've started to realize: I'm pretty sure nobody does! We're all just jumping blindly out of planes and headfirst off of cliffs, hoping we make it out alive. So what do you say? Bend your knees and take your best jump here right along with me - it's ok to not know and to jump into the unknown full-force. That's where the adventure begins!

Little Emily had no idea where her future was headed...and still doesn't 20 years later!


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About Me

Hello, and welcome to Life Unlabeled!

I'm Emily, a twenty-something year-old just trying to figure out this little thing we call "Life".  I live in the awesome city of Boston, working full-time as a data analyst and attending graduate school at night to pursue a Master's in Applied Math (I'm a little bit of a math nerd!).

My interests range far and wide from everything athletic - like long distance running, dance, team sports, and nutrition - to the more creative side of things (piano, art, MUSIC, and writing).  Usually, if given a little music and some space, you'll find me singing and dancing around my little apartment with joy (and very little shame) be warned.  I also have discovered a passion for travelling over the last few years and try to never turn down an opportunity for adventure as long as I can feasibly work it into my finances and work schedule.

This blog will be a mixed bag of topics (as the title alludes to), encompassing many of my different interests, experiences, and travels.  I'll also incorporate topics around mental health and specifically, eating disorders & recovery, as this is something that has affected my own life greatly and something I believe we need to talk about more often.

So sit back, relax, and come along for this crazy ride with me!  It's sure going to be an adventure, to say the very least! (And if you want to be sure you don't miss a post, subscribe below!)

Had a little bonding moment with a cashi

~ Emily

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