So many times we do not have or take the opportunity to say "thank-you" to the various people in our lives who have have been a major influence in our lives. I'm a firm believer in letting people know when they've made a positive impact on your life - even if in the smallest of ways; but sometimes I didn't know how to put it into words, or my fears and self-consciousness got the best of me and I instead stayed silent. So here is my (possibly long overdue) open letter of "thanks".
Thank you.
To my first childhood best friend, who has stood by me throughout the ages and become a sister to me. Who became the one person I can tell anything and everything, and who listens to what are sometimes the same struggles over and over again with unrelenting support and acceptance.
To my twin, my mirror image, my match in every aspect of life. The girl who brings out the most competitive side of me - which in turn pushes me to be the best I can be. Who may not be the most open with emotions, but when push comes to shove, is always there - trucking through feet of snow during finals time just to see me in the hospital for an hour.
To my older sister, my first role model. Who has no idea how much she inspires me and my twin. Who works hard beyond measure and yet doesn't often get the recognition she deserves because she doesn't flaunt anything.
To one of the first coaches who I felt really believed in me. And then stood by me when he found out about some of my darkest struggles, asking only for a promise that I would no longer engage in self-harm. Who had a smile that could turn any frown upside down and always made everyone feel like they belonged. Who turned a team into a family.
To my teachers, who set me up for success. Who instilled a love of learning, a desire to problem solve, and above all, many aspects of strong character that I still carry with me today.
To my favorite neighbor, who has a spirit like no other an a smile that can light up the world. Whose energy is contagious and love makes everyone she meets feel special.
To my first boyfriend, who loved me when I did not love myself. Who had patience and understanding when I could not understand or explain what was going on.
To my dad's office manager, who was and will forever be more than a manager. Whose love abounds for every. single. person she meets. Who brings a smile to anyone's face, and who gives so much of herself without ever asking for or expecting anything in return. Who is like a second mom to me (and many others).
To the high school friend who I may not see or keep in contact with nearly as much as I'd like. Who I share so many memories with - both the highs and the lows - and whose friendship I value so much, even as we've grown apart. Who I can still catch up with after a long absence and it's as if nothing has changed.
To my teammates, who were always far more like a family than just team. Who were some of my biggest mentors and role models both on and off the field. Who believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself, and taught me that family didn't need to be blood-born.
To the godmother I don't see nearly enough but love so much. Who has an infectious positive energy that can brighten anyone's day.
To my godfather, who faith inspires me each and everyday. Who taught me to find hope in Christian music and is a continual model of compassion and selflessness.
To the nurse practitioner who forced me into the hospital my first year of college against my will. Who saved my life even though I hated her for it at the time.
To the nurses on my floor - and nurses everywhere - who made a really difficult time a little brighter through their bright smiles and positive attitudes. Who couldn't let me leave or take away my pain, but in the moments of floor decorating or gingerbread house making provided me with a little relief.
To the therapists who fought for me and so many others when we did not fight for ourselves. Who dealt with attitudes and extremely raw emotions, with little appreciation in return, because they had a compassion inside of them to help that means more to them than glory or recognition. Who have changed and saved so many lives - including mine.
To the college friend who became closer than I would have ever expected. Who supported me through thick and thin, who I knew was always just a phone call or text away. Who embraced my "weirdness" and accepted me just as I was.
To my college study-buddy, one of my few close friends in such a dark time. Who suffered physics insanity with me, embraced our love for dance, and continued to strengthen our friendship here in Boston after college.
To my first new Boston friend, who embraced spontaneity with me and took a leap overseas our first European adventure. Who may have fallen out of contact, but I would have never made it through those first couple years without you.
To the first neighbor I became friends with, in an apartment building where very few people interact. Who can turn a bad day around a bit with a simple 10-minute conversation when we run into each other at night.
To one of my true work friends, one of the few people I felt I could truly be authentic with in a building full of fake fronts. Who pondered with me on how the hell we ended up in the business world, whose "coffee chats" would be the highlights of my day and week - even if the scheduled 30 minutes sometimes went on for over an hour (whoops).
To the guy I dated when I shouldn't have been dating, when I didn't have the energy to fully give of myself in a relationship the way I should. Who cared more than I deserved and who was able to somehow help me get through some of the toughest times despite having no idea what I was fighting behind closed doors.
To my first full-time manager, who made me feel comfortable and capable in an otherwise foreign work environment. Who helped me grow so much professionally and technically in the next three years, and who became both a mentor and a friend.
To my gym friend, who can turn a frustrating workout of fighting against injury back into a good mood with his jokes and positivity.
To my current Boston bestie, my soda buddy, my meme-tagging, all-day texting, everything partner-in-crime. Who is my biggest cheerleader and support no matter what craziness is erupting in my life. Who is a clear example that it is the quality, not the quantity of your friends that matters. Who understands me more than almost anyone I know - and never judges me for any of my "faults", quirks, or bad day moments.
To my new grad school classmates, who are one of the only reasons I did not quit midway first semester. Who make those late-night classes worth it...and embrace my crazy, music-sharing, sarcastic self.
To my parents, who I left last because I can't even begin to encapsulate everything they've done for me in just a few lines. Who have given up everything for my sisters and I. Who would drive 8-hour trips on back-to-back days, through whiteout blizzard conditions, just to visit me for a meal in the hospital or come to a short therapy session. Who are my biggest role models, my most enthusiastic fans, and my never-ending support system.
To all of you, and to so many more: there is so much more I could say. They say we are shaped by the experiences in our lives, but I think it is also the people in our lives who make us who we are and who help us become our best selves. So while two words seem inconsequential to the impact you have had (and continue to have) on my life:
Thank you.