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Kind of weird to see a blog without a title, isn't it?  
That's the point.  In today's world, we are so quick to put a label on everything - including ourselves.  These labels box us in, giving us limitations and false ideas about who we are and who we "should" be.  So instead of furthering that idea, I'm leaving this blog without a label.  It will be a mixed bag of everything and anything in this 20-something year-old's journey to figure out, well, life.


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A Day in the Life


Updated: Feb 8, 2019

I don't think my life is all that fascinating (although it can get quite chaotic!), but in case anyone is ever so intrigued, here's a glimpse at what a typical day in the life of Emily may look like! [This is one of my busier days, since physical therapy appointments and school are usually only a few days a week, so not every day is this busy!]

6:25am: Wake-up, drag myself out of bed. This is an extra-early wake-up time since I have physical therapy this morning...and I definitely can feel the lack of extra sleep. I put my clothes, insurance card, and shoes out the night before so that I can literally sleep as late as humanly possible without missing my Uber.

Looking rough and not at all thrilled to be up early for PT...Also decided to wear a braid to PT for the first time. And learned why I never do - running and braids do not mix well.

6:35am-6:50am: Uber to PT. Unfortunately, I don't have a car, and this physical therapy is located either an hour walk away, or a 10-minute drive...the ambitious me tried the walk early on, but the sleepy me gives in and takes an Uber most days (especially now that it's winter).

*Pro tip: My PT appointments usually coincide with rush-hour, which typically means Uber/Lyft prices surge to triple+. HOWEVER, shortly into these last months of therapy, I realized that if you 'schedule' your Uber/Lyft the night before - during a time when prices are not surged - it locks in the price (of that non-surged time)!

7:00am-7:45am: Physical therapy fun! Ok, so not really that fun...but you do what you gotta do.

8:00am: Uber/Lyft home. Sometimes I'll stop in the Wegman's located below my physical therapy center and grab a few groceries if I need to (especially since I can take advantage of riding in a car/not walking with my groceries).

(From another day): Usually, when the subway is delayed or breaks down, it's due to electrical issues or the subway cars being faulty...except this one interesting morning. Apparently this little car decided it wanted to play in the 'big leagues' and be a train for a day - and it drove right onto the tracks! Needless to say, that tied up morning rush hour. (I ended up walking one hour to get to work this day! Nothing like an unexpected morning saunter to wake you up!)

~8:30am: Start the work day (working from home since I had PT and otherwise would have to commute ~another hour into the downtown office). Our work is pretty flexible, as in you can start/end whenever you want, as long as you work at least 7.5 hours a day, are on during prime hours (so usually like 10am-3pm), and get all your work done. I'm pretty sure we all work over 7.5 hours on average, but this is a nice feature in case you're running late or need to start late/leave early for an appointment (or...if the MBTA is running behind/delayed/breaks down....which is not uncommon...).

12noon, or around there depending on meetings: Walk to nearby CVS/7-Eleven for a break and to get a Diet Coke (if only a McDonald's was within a short walk!). It's only an 8-minute walk from my place, and if I can, I try to get the short walk in in the middle of the day since otherwise I'm sitting on the couch all day while I work (and my legs can get irritable). Also, Diet Coke fuels my life...usually I'm stocked at home if I know I have to work from home, but if not, then the trek to CVS is non-negotiable!

~4-5pm: End the work day. Again, exact timing depends on meetings and workload. On this night in particular, I had class, so I usually am a little tighter about ending earlier so I can commute downtown and get my workout in before my night class.

~5-7pm: Workout. Varies depending on the day and what machines are available. Usually cranking my music and getting in a solid workout actually helps me wake up for class.

(Left) One of the three different YMCA's I use in Boston - it's great because our membership allows us to go to any YMCA, so I use three different facilities on a regular basis- one near work, one near school, and one near my apartment. Fun Fact: This YMCA (nearest to my school) happens to be the first YMCA in the U.S.! The first YMCA in the U.S. was established in Boston on December 29th, 1851 (left photo).

7:30pm-9:00pm: Class time! Lucky for me, there is a YMCA right next to my school, and my class this semester happens to only be a 5 minute walk from the gym! (I kid you not - put it into Google maps and it's literally only 5 minutes! 3-4 if I run fast!). I just started pursuing my Masters' in Applied Math last fall, so I'm only on my second class. It's been a bit of an adjustment to say the least, but I think I'm finally getting used to the schedule/load.

9:00-10:00/10:15pm: Commute home. It's about a 20-minute walk from my class to the subway, and then from there another 35-40 minutes home (once I catch a train; sometimes there's a longer wait at night since they are less frequent after 9pm). The plus side of the later commute is that the train is much emptier and I can usually get a seat (unlike during rush hour), which means I can either study or read if I want (or...scroll through Facebook/blogs/be unproductive....which happens more often than it should).

10:30pm-???? (way too late): Home! Finally home for the night. Usually I have to finish up my physical therapy exercises that we didn't do in the morning (we spend more time at physical therapy fixing my running form, then maybe do a few of the exercises. Overall, my nightly PT takes ~30-40minutes, but on days I also have physical therapy in the morning, it might be a little shorter). While I do my PT, I put my breakfast for the next day in the oven (these cute little egg-muffins, I make them nearly everyday). Got to multi-task to get things done!

After that, it's dinner (usually meal-prepped on the weekend) and wrapping up any work I didn't finish earlier, homework/studying that I need to do, or if I am in a decent spot on both work and school, browsing the web (or now, working on my blog!) while I eat and put TV on in the background. I tend to stay up way later than I should (especially if I'm stuck trying to figure out a work project/code or a math problem), so I usually end up going to bed around 1/2am on school nights. (Working on improving that...).

And that's basically my day! It's really not a crazy life, but hey, I enjoy it most of the time. Oh...I should add that music and dancing is pretty much intermixed throughout this entire schedule. If I'm commuting, cooking, working out - it's pretty much guaranteed I'm listening to music - and dancing and singing if I'm home...or sometimes in public because "dance like no one's watching", right? That's my motto.


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About Me

Hello, and welcome to Life Unlabeled!

I'm Emily, a twenty-something year-old just trying to figure out this little thing we call "Life".  I live in the awesome city of Boston, working full-time as a data analyst and attending graduate school at night to pursue a Master's in Applied Math (I'm a little bit of a math nerd!).

My interests range far and wide from everything athletic - like long distance running, dance, team sports, and nutrition - to the more creative side of things (piano, art, MUSIC, and writing).  Usually, if given a little music and some space, you'll find me singing and dancing around my little apartment with joy (and very little shame) be warned.  I also have discovered a passion for travelling over the last few years and try to never turn down an opportunity for adventure as long as I can feasibly work it into my finances and work schedule.

This blog will be a mixed bag of topics (as the title alludes to), encompassing many of my different interests, experiences, and travels.  I'll also incorporate topics around mental health and specifically, eating disorders & recovery, as this is something that has affected my own life greatly and something I believe we need to talk about more often.

So sit back, relax, and come along for this crazy ride with me!  It's sure going to be an adventure, to say the very least! (And if you want to be sure you don't miss a post, subscribe below!)

Had a little bonding moment with a cashi

~ Emily

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