I don't think my life is all that fascinating (although it can get quite chaotic!), but in case anyone is ever so intrigued, here's a glimpse at what a typical day in the life of Emily may look like! [This is one of my busier days, since physical therapy appointments and school are usually only a few days a week, so not every day is this busy!]
6:25am: Wake-up, drag myself out of bed. This is an extra-early wake-up time since I have physical therapy this morning...and I definitely can feel the lack of extra sleep. I put my clothes, insurance card, and shoes out the night before so that I can literally sleep as late as humanly possible without missing my Uber.

6:35am-6:50am: Uber to PT. Unfortunately, I don't have a car, and this physical therapy is located either an hour walk away, or a 10-minute drive...the ambitious me tried the walk early on, but the sleepy me gives in and takes an Uber most days (especially now that it's winter).
*Pro tip: My PT appointments usually coincide with rush-hour, which typically means Uber/Lyft prices surge to triple+. HOWEVER, shortly into these last months of therapy, I realized that if you 'schedule' your Uber/Lyft the night before - during a time when prices are not surged - it locks in the price (of that non-surged time)!
7:00am-7:45am: Physical therapy fun! Ok, so not really that fun...but you do what you gotta do.
8:00am: Uber/Lyft home. Sometimes I'll stop in the Wegman's located below my physical therapy center and grab a few groceries if I need to (especially since I can take advantage of riding in a car/not walking with my groceries).

~8:30am: Start the work day (working from home since I had PT and otherwise would have to commute ~another hour into the downtown office). Our work is pretty flexible, as in you can start/end whenever you want, as long as you work at least 7.5 hours a day, are on during prime hours (so usually like 10am-3pm), and get all your work done. I'm pretty sure we all work over 7.5 hours on average, but this is a nice feature in case you're running late or need to start late/leave early for an appointment (or...if the MBTA is running behind/delayed/breaks down....which is not uncommon...).
12noon, or around there depending on meetings: Walk to nearby CVS/7-Eleven for a break and to get a Diet Coke (if only a McDonald's was within a short walk!). It's only an 8-minute walk from my place, and if I can, I try to get the short walk in in the middle of the day since otherwise I'm sitting on the couch all day while I work (and my legs can get irritable). Also, Diet Coke fuels my life...usually I'm stocked at home if I know I have to work from home, but if not, then the trek to CVS is non-negotiable!
~4-5pm: End the work day. Again, exact timing depends on meetings and workload. On this night in particular, I had class, so I usually am a little tighter about ending earlier so I can commute downtown and get my workout in before my night class.
~5-7pm: Workout. Varies depending on the day and what machines are available. Usually cranking my music and getting in a solid workout actually helps me wake up for class.

7:30pm-9:00pm: Class time! Lucky for me, there is a YMCA right next to my school, and my class this semester happens to only be a 5 minute walk from the gym! (I kid you not - put it into Google maps and it's literally only 5 minutes! 3-4 if I run fast!). I just started pursuing my Masters' in Applied Math last fall, so I'm only on my second class. It's been a bit of an adjustment to say the least, but I think I'm finally getting used to the schedule/load.
9:00-10:00/10:15pm: Commute home. It's about a 20-minute walk from my class to the subway, and then from there another 35-40 minutes home (once I catch a train; sometimes there's a longer wait at night since they are less frequent after 9pm). The plus side of the later commute is that the train is much emptier and I can usually get a seat (unlike during rush hour), which means I can either study or read if I want (or...scroll through Facebook/blogs/be unproductive....which happens more often than it should).
10:30pm-???? (way too late): Home! Finally home for the night. Usually I have to finish up my physical therapy exercises that we didn't do in the morning (we spend more time at physical therapy fixing my running form, then maybe do a few of the exercises. Overall, my nightly PT takes ~30-40minutes, but on days I also have physical therapy in the morning, it might be a little shorter). While I do my PT, I put my breakfast for the next day in the oven (these cute little egg-muffins, I make them nearly everyday). Got to multi-task to get things done!
After that, it's dinner (usually meal-prepped on the weekend) and wrapping up any work I didn't finish earlier, homework/studying that I need to do, or if I am in a decent spot on both work and school, browsing the web (or now, working on my blog!) while I eat and put TV on in the background. I tend to stay up way later than I should (especially if I'm stuck trying to figure out a work project/code or a math problem), so I usually end up going to bed around 1/2am on school nights. (Working on improving that...).
And that's basically my day! It's really not a crazy life, but hey, I enjoy it most of the time. Oh...I should add that music and dancing is pretty much intermixed throughout this entire schedule. If I'm commuting, cooking, working out - it's pretty much guaranteed I'm listening to music - and dancing and singing if I'm home...or sometimes in public because "dance like no one's watching", right? That's my motto.