Welcome to Music Mondays!

Welcome to Music Mondays! What is Music Monday, you ask? Well, my friends, let me enlighten you! (and show you why these Mondays will make Monday your favorite day of the week!)
As some of you may know, music has always been and is a HUGE part of my life. I believe music can be a very powerful tool to help us get through the worst of times, celebrate the best, and navigate the waters of everything in between. Not to mention, music is just plain FUN!
So since music is such a huge part of my life, I figured I would incorporate it into my blogging through Music Mondays - every third Monday or so (possibly more frequently if something just COMES to me), I will release a blog post containing a "themed" playlist. This playlist will have an overall "theme" or purpose that brings all the songs together, but besides that, they will be a mixed bag of all types of genres and a vast variety of music - everything from your basic Top 40, Country, throwbacks, Christian music, and even some random discoveries that are likely unknown by the majority of people. My hope is that these playlists can either a) serve their designated purpose for you (ex: "pick me up" playlist, "dance party" playlist"), or b) maybe you just venture around and find a few new favorites! Either way, take a look and listen, and let me know what you think!
I will add links within the posts on each song title to the YouTube version of the song as well as incorporate a video player of the entire playlist built-in to the site. All of these songs are also available on Spotify (I have Spotify premium - best monthly purchase of my life - and that's where I find all my music). I can't verify, but would assume most, if not all, are also available on iTunes.
Here's a running list of Music Monday posts so far:
Music Monday #1: The Comeback playlist